The Creative Industry Tax Reliefs are designed to encourage film making, television programme production and other cultural activities to take place in the UK. Friend Partnership has helped several West End theatre companies and production companies to secure valuable tax relief.
Qualifying companies can claim an additional deduction on their Corporation Tax Return thereby reducing their Corporation Tax liability
British films with either a UK writer, a UK director or certification as a UK coproduction should qualify for the relief.
If you or your organisation have a potential claim for tax relief, or would like further information about the process you can get in touch with us
If you or your organisation have a potential claim for tax relief, or would like further information about the process you can get in touch with us
In order to qualify the production company must either be a charity or a company wholly owned by a charity or local authority.
Registered to carry out audit work in the UK and regulated for a range of investment business activities by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
Company registration number: 07746831